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How young is too young to start skincare?

There is no absolute age limit if you're using skincare products designed for your skin type. For example, if you have dry, sensitive skin and are only in your twenties, it would be beneficial to use a heavier cream than someone with oily acne-prone skin, who has just turned fifty.

However, it is important to be realistic. Most three-year-olds don’t really need skin care. You should probably be very careful if you’re under the age of 16 and a little physician or skin care specialist advice is not a bad idea. The problem, then of course, becomes who is really a skin care specialist, and what is their expertise and education? You’ll find a lot of so-called experts online, but they really aren’t.

If you need some professional help, Dr. Speron‘s been around in private practice for over 24 years and his medical aestheticians are available seven days a week for a free virtual consultation just for you. They can help you get your skin right.